Author Guidelines

IJITRA is a journal that publishes articles which contribute new theoretical results in all the areas of Computer Science, Communication Network and Information Technology. Research paper and articles on Big Data, Machine Learning, IOT, Blockchain, Network Security, Optical Integrated Circuits, Artificial Intelligence are in prime position.

The Types of papers: The types of papers that may be considered for inclusion are:

1) Original research;
2) Short communications and;
3) Review papers, which include meta-analysis and systematic review

How to submit your manuscript: All manuscripts should be submitted online at (Authors are able to submit manuscripts to the journal directly through the online paper submission) To make a submission, you must have a user account and be enrolled as an Author.

User accounts can either be created by the Journal Manager or you can register yourself (this journal policy allow you create user account by yourself as a Reader, an Author and/or a Reviewer). All fields with an asterisk beside them (Username; Password; Repeat Password; First Name; Last Name; Email) are mandatory. Your username and your email address must be unique; furthermore, while you can change your email address at a later date, you will be unable to change your username. If you want to register in another role within the same journal (for example, if you are already a Reader, but also want to become an Author) you can login; go to Edit My Profile (under My Account on your User Home page); and check off the checkboxes next to any available roles, near the bottom of the page. Once you have an account, login to the journal site and select the role of Author.

The Author is asked to upload a submission file and to provide metadata or indexing information. (The metadata improves the search capacity for research online and for the journal.) The Author can upload Supplementary Files, in the form of data sets, research instruments, or source texts that will enrich the item, as well as contribute to more open and robust forms of research and scholarship. The Author is able to track the submission through the review and editorial process by logging in to the journal's website.


    Download Manuscript Template

Length:  The typical length of an article is 6-25 pages with more than 2000 words. Provided that the scientific content is of high value, shorter or longer manuscripts will also be taken into consideration.

Title:  Titles must fit on three lines in print (at most 25 words) and should avoid abbreviations. The first letter of notional words in the title should be capitalized and functional words lowercased.

Authors: Authors’ full names should be provided without professional ranks and titles. Corresponding author(s) should be identified with an asterisk. Authors’ affiliation should include “Department/Faculty, University/Institute, City, Country” or “Company, City, Country”.

Abstract: The abstract should be no more than 200 words and should not contain citations or unexplained abbreviations/acronyms. The general scope of the article, the main results and conclusions should be summarized.

Keywords: The keywords should be concise and distinctive, and there should be no more than 5 words in each keyword except for the proper nouns.

Introduction: The introduction should include the background, objectives and an overview or a map of the whole paper.

Methods: The Methods section appears in most online original research articles and should contain all elements necessary for the interpretation and replication of the results.

Tables: Each table should be given a caption above it and numbered successively, such as Table 1, Table 2, Table 3... Further details can be included as notes to the table.

Figures: Suitably high resolution figures may be inserted within the text at appropriate positions. Each figure should be given a caption below it and numbered successively, such as Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3...

Main body: The main body should include the main results, discussions and conclusion.

Acknowledgments: The part of the “Acknowledgments” should be specific such as acknowledgment for specific persons, funds or projects. If it's a project or fund, the project/funding number should be provided.

References: There should be at least 15 references in an academic article. List only one reference per reference number. The in-text citations should be numbered in the corresponding position of the main body in the normal text form of [] (such as [1], [2], [3] ...) instead of other forms (such as “(John Smith, 2019) or (2019)”). For example:

True: “... and both groups are active in identifying and using neural networks and decision trees [1].”

False: “... and both groups are active in identifying and using neural networks and decision trees (John Smith, 2019).”

When there are two or more references cited in the same sentence or paragraph, all the reference numbers should be enclosed in one bracket, such as [2, 3], [6-8] and [4, 9-12].

Word Format: Use the IJITRA guide of authors as a template and your guideline for preparing your papers (MS Word file format:  Download here).

Please note that any papers which fail to meet our requirements will be returned to the author for amendment. Only papers which are submitted in the correct style will be considered by the Editors.

Viewing and Changing your Profile: To view and edit your profile, log in and click the Edit My Profile link from your User Home page. Alternatively, once logged in you can always click the My Profile link from the User Navigation block on the sidebar, if available. From here, you can update your email address, change your personal information, or change your password.

Resetting your Password: Resetting your password is a simple process if you remember it and just want to change it to something else: login, and from your User Home page click the Change Password link. You will have to enter your current password, and then your new password twice.

Resetting your password if you have forgotten it is still a simple process, but it takes a few more steps:

  1. Click the login link on the topmost navigation bar.
  2. Click the Forgot Your Password? link.
  3. Enter your email address in the box provided, and click the Reset
  4. Password link. This will send a confirmation email to your email address (if you do not see an email in your Inbox, check your spam folder). The email will include a link to reset your password: click it, and you should return to the journal website.
  5. On returning to the journal website, you should be notified that an email containing a new password has been sent to your email address. Check for that second email, and use your new credentials to log into the site.
  6. After successfully logging in, you will be asked to immediately change your password. Enter the emailed password first (Current Password), and then a new, secret password twice (New Password, Repeat New Password).

Archiving Policy

International Journal of Information Technology, Research and Applications (IJITRA) utilize PKP Preservation Network (PN) to digitally preserve all published scholarly content. PKP has developed the PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN) to digitally preserve OJS journals. The LOCKSS program offers decentralized and distributed preservation, seamless perpetual access, and preservation of the authentic original version of the content. The PKP PN ensures that journals that are not part of any other digital preservation service (such as CLOCKSS or Portico) can be preserved for long-term access.


International Journal of Information Technology, Research and Applications (IJITRA) strives to provide accurate and reliable content, the journal and its editors do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the published materials. The opinions expressed in the articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of IJITRA or its affiliated institutions. IJITRA cannot be held liable for any errors, omissions, or consequences arising from the use of the published content.